

Did you pop into Northampton at all this weekend and see yours truly as well as a bevvy of other pinup ladies modelling in the window of local boutique Bohemian Finds ? No?! Why not? Was awesome fun. I was both model and impromptu photographer. Rather lovely day prancing about in a window with a spot of

Day 3 is now done and dusted for the Northampton Beer Festival. Day 4 is rapidly looming and I will be gutted to see it come and go. It was raining and cold but the spirit was high in the compound. Muddy feet and damp hair but smiles all round. The bands didnt disappoint and the crowd

Day 2 of the Northampton Beer Festival has been and gone. With two more days to go, the festival is really picking up momentum and its brilliant. Despite a generator issue just as our headliner band were about to take to the stage, the band showed their love for their fans by starting to perform a full

We are back at the Northampton Beer Festival this year as the backstage photographers! Snapping love music from stage side is amazing. Sure we miss the amazing photo ops stage front brings, but often we capture the hidden smiles, the set ups and the view the musicians see. Last year was sensational. You can catch it here.
