Personal – Fog and Football
I have two dogs: Elvis-Houdini and Miss Pickles, so I am often out on walks and running amok. With the weather being a little hit and miss, they are seeming to be less willing to go outside. However doggies must be walked so we push on. One rather wet and VERY foggy Sunday morning I thought I
Published – NPhoto Magazine
Published - NPhoto Magazine Well what do ya know!? I only went and got published. In a magazine I religiously purchase- N Photo Magazine. This is a magazine that only refers to Nikon camera bodies and Nikon fit components. Perfect for me as I am a devoted Nikon user. They are heavy into tutorials and showcasing readers' work so
Client Shoot – Burlesque Photography
Client Shoot - Burlesque Photography When Odeila Opium contacted me to photograph her, I was beyond excited. Forgive whilst I waffle on about her but to see Odelia perform is like seeing a piece of history come alive and entertain the adoring crowds. She really does stand out in burlesque from her costuming to her choice of performances
Client Shoot – Location Boudoir & Pinup Photography
Client Shoot - Location Boudoir & Pinup Photography My photography can take me quite often on my travels so when Hayley contacted me keen to do a 60s inspired pinup/boudoir photography shoot in her car garage in Wales I was already packing the kit into the car before I hit reply to her email. Hayley owns the fantastic
Client Shoot – Location Boudoir Photography
When a client wants a special shoot, you got to get excited. Then when a client's husband contacts you to buy his beloved a boudoir photography shoot, you know you have the best clients. Now add that you are being whisked off to shoot at a hotel you blinking adore! I am in LOVE with my clients.
Tutorial – At Home Portrait Photography
So many people post selfies on social media. For those not in the know of this new phenomenon its quite simply posting a photo of one's self on the internet usually taken by the mobile phone. Some pouting and such like is normally included. Recently I received an email from a lovely man called Geoffrey who wanted