Published – NPhoto Magazine
Published - NPhoto Magazine Well what do ya know!? I only went and got published. In a magazine I religiously purchase- N Photo Magazine. This is a magazine that only refers to Nikon camera bodies and Nikon fit components. Perfect for me as I am a devoted Nikon user. They are heavy into tutorials and showcasing readers' work so
Client Shoot – Burlesque Photography
Client Shoot - Burlesque Photography When Odeila Opium contacted me to photograph her, I was beyond excited. Forgive whilst I waffle on about her but to see Odelia perform is like seeing a piece of history come alive and entertain the adoring crowds. She really does stand out in burlesque from her costuming to her choice of performances
Client Shoot – Location Boudoir & Pinup Photography
Client Shoot - Location Boudoir & Pinup Photography My photography can take me quite often on my travels so when Hayley contacted me keen to do a 60s inspired pinup/boudoir photography shoot in her car garage in Wales I was already packing the kit into the car before I hit reply to her email. Hayley owns the fantastic
Client Shoot – Location Boudoir Photography
When a client wants a special shoot, you got to get excited. Then when a client's husband contacts you to buy his beloved a boudoir photography shoot, you know you have the best clients. Now add that you are being whisked off to shoot at a hotel you blinking adore! I am in LOVE with my clients.
Tutorial – At Home Portrait Photography
So many people post selfies on social media. For those not in the know of this new phenomenon its quite simply posting a photo of one's self on the internet usually taken by the mobile phone. Some pouting and such like is normally included. Recently I received an email from a lovely man called Geoffrey who wanted
Monochrome Photography
I often use film in my photography and so is not limited to just digital. A big hit with my clients. I have a real love for good old black and white/monochrome photography. Even in digital I have a soft spot for it. Its quite hard to replicate the soft tones of film black and white in