
  /  Photography (Page 36)

We are back at the Northampton Beer Festival this year as the backstage photographers! Snapping love music from stage side is amazing. Sure we miss the amazing photo ops stage front brings, but often we capture the hidden smiles, the set ups and the view the musicians see. Last year was sensational. You can catch it here.

Yeah I love a collaborative shoot, especially when working with local businesses. In this case it was local vintage style boutique Bohemian Finds and hairdressers Rockabelles. With Julia as assistant, our models Vicky, Alicia, Ashleigh and Emma and boutique owner Gretchen as stylist, the whole shoot was a blast. I loved it. Fashion photography needs to not

I have been taking photos since before I can actually recall. I swear I was nearly born with a little 35mm camera attached to me. Photos are memories fixated in time, they are ever lasting and eternal. They are what remains when we move on or go away. They are the stilliness in a fast moving world,

What isnt there to like about Laura? She is a warrior woman if ever there was one. Bouncing back from a rocky experience in her personal life, she has been hitting the gym hard to prep for a forthcoming White Collar Boxing match. The shoot was in Samson Fitness gym in Bedford, which is where Laura trains.

I have photographed burlesque performer Odelia Opium many times now, I take it to be a good sign that she returns to be shot by me. I met Odelia through my own work as a burlesque performer ( and She is an utter delight and if you get a chance to see her in action I highly
