By now you may have realised I dont do boring. I dont do photo shoots where I simply wack my clients in front of a white background and capture images. I love to do something a little extra (even if they want the white background…stand out and be proud). So when the fun fair came to town, I obtained permission to shoot there. Hannah and I headed out and captured some awesome portraits as she enjoyed the wonders of the fun fair…even winning a fluffy unicorn. Sorry for the sugar overload though Hannah. I thought the candyfloss and lolly was a good prop to use. We ate the whole bag of candy floss. It was good. We adult well.
Fun Fair Flare!

We even had time to shoot a little behind the scenes footage. Hannah is hugely popular on my YouTube channel so be sure to subscribe to see more of her in the future but also for more videos about what I get up to. More of my fun fair sessions can be seen here: Poppy .
I love shooting on locations like this. Something different to what get normally. Standing out and something to show off.
Want your own photo session that is a little different? Doesnt have to be at the fair. We have shot in some awesome places and love finding new ones…or we can make something amazing happen at my Northampton photo studio.