Boom the fun fair was back in town and once again I had to do a shoot there. Thankfully Luna was as ever eager to get her creativity running wild for this session so settled on three looks: disco styled teddy boy, rock n roll bride and a pinup inspired look.
The lights, the candy floss and hot dogs ensured it was an atmospheric and superb night out. Who doesnt love a night at the fun fair!? As ever with this sort of location I always ask permission as so often people assume they can shoot here using people’s place of work for their own benefit. Thankfully the owners are happy to let me shoot as I have done a few times and always pay for rides, food and give them images.
We even managed to grab a little behind the scenes video! Enjoy it. Dont forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!
Was an utter blast to capture this wonderful woman again! I adore her!