Khandie Photography

  /  Photography   /  Hold up, I WON WHAT NOW!?

So lets face it, 2020 and for a large portion 2021 has been a bit of a kicker. There has been so much wrong with it, that I at times struggled to see what future there was for my business. I knew I would keep all commitments already booked in but going forward it was less certain about new bookings. The studio was closed for so long. I would sometimes go in to do security checks and feel very heartbroken that dust was settling on the floor. I would look forward to the weekly cleaning as it at least meant I was back in the studio. I also threw my heart and soul into my YouTube channel ( as a creative outlet. I did self portraits, created photo challenges for people and more.

I could whine about the lack of earnings but I was ok…I was eating into the little savings I had, the side work earnings I was making was already covering bills but my addiction along with the rest of the world with home fitness and garden improvements kept me going. I knew there were bigger challenges faced by so many. Some many tragedies and so many heart breaking moments.

So when the news came in this week that I had won an award for my work in 2020/2021 to be named the Photographer of the Year from SME Midlands Enterprise Awards, I was a little shocked. I did a little cry as I was at the time the email came in on the phone to my friend Kayleigh. Its only a title but for me, it meant those months worrying paid off. I was still back on top form. Still showing up and still making good stuff happen.

So here is the to rest of 2021 and all that is thrown our way. We are going to be ok.

To each and every subscriber, client and voice of encouragement I received over my time as a photographer: this award is forever about you. I cant work without you. No images can be taken without you. So I thank you x
