Khandie Photography

  /  Photography   /  Promo Shoot – Burlesque Performer Odelia

I have photographed burlesque performer Odelia Opium many times now, I take it to be a good sign that she returns to be shot by me. I met Odelia through my own work as a burlesque performer ( and She is an utter delight and if you get a chance to see her in action I highly recommend her. My favourite of her acts is the Chinese Ghost Bride. Odelia is also an exquisite costume maker with a fantastic re-enactment sideline in costuming.

Odelia asked me photograph the revamp of one of her new acts, so together with an amazing make up and hair stylist the fantastic Sarah Dunne of Sarah’s DooWop Dos the shoot was specific in all aspects. Odelia knows her historical costuming and she wanted the shoot to reflect paintings and artwork from the 18th Century…specifically French history. I spent hours looking at old paintings and decided to use my very own painted backdrop (you can read about how I painted it here) and to make it look like she was on a painted canvas, a living piece of history.

I am very proud of what we achieved. As is Odelia. Massive thank you to Sarah for the makeup and hair. Bloody impressive!

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