Khandie Photography

  /  Photography   /  Boudoir Photography   /  Warrior Woman – Seren Dippity

Gawd, what isnt there to love about this woman!? In a day and age where beauty ideals are rammed down our throats from all manners of media, this woman sticks two fingers up to it and declares her own standard. I am in love. Photography like this is what I live for. People creating images with me that are about them, their message and their love. I adore this woman. All hail burlesque darling Seren Dippity. Body confidence is something she has down and rightly so! I adore her.

As a photographer I am often asked to remove or ‘tidy up’ bodies that are already beautiful and whilst I am keen to carry out my clients wishes I am also keen to ensure they are aware I believe there is nothing wrong about them. Your body is a beautiful creation of engineering and I wish so much people would embrace it. Its kind of my unofficial motto here at my Northampton photography studio: Body Beautiful = You.

So lets all enjoy these images of a woman who sees her body for what she is: a performer, a wife, a mother, a woman, a beauty and a warrior woman.

Side note: Only two images shared as the rest are for her to show off. The act that these images relate to are a burlesque act based on a tired showgirl bored/not bothered about being all sexy and polished. Its VERY funny.

Body Confidence-3
